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Bloom Packs


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What is a Bloom Pack?

A Bloom Pack is a file used to share book templates and settings with others. There are two types of Bloom Packs:

1. Basic Bloom Pack

A Basic Bloom Pack contains shell books (template books) that others can translate into different languages. Shell books are templates used to create other books. It sets the page layout, text box locations, pictures, and more. Shell books are not language-specific, meaning they can be used to create books in any language.

How to Make a Basic Bloom Pack from Your Collection

  1. Go to the Collections tab.
  2. Click the down arrow next to the collection name.
  3. Select Make a Bloom Pack of Shell Books.
  4. In the Save As dialog box, choose a folder to save the file.
    1. Optional: Save to a USB drive for easy sharing.
  5. Click Save.

2. Reader Template Bloom Pack

A Reader Template Bloom Pack includes settings for Make Decodable Books Index or Level Readers, as well as the shell books.

How to Make a Reader Template Bloom Pack:

  1. Additional Content:
    • Settings for decodable and leveled readers.
    • Current set of sample words.
    • Files in the Sample Texts folder become .json files.
  2. Steps to Create:
    1. Go to the Collections tab.
    2. Click the down arrow next to the collection name.
    3. Select Make Reader Template Bloom Pack.
    4. In the dialog box, select I understand what a template is and this is really what I want to do.
    5. Read the information about the book(s) to be made into templates and click Save Bloom Pack if correct.
    6. In the Save As dialog box, choose a folder to save the file, preferably on a USB drive for easy sharing.
    7. Click Save.

How to Receive and Use Bloom Packs

Get Shell Books from Others

Steps to Install a Basic Bloom Pack:

  1. Copy the File:
    • Copy the Bloom Pack file onto your computer (e.g., into the Bloom folder under My Documents or another convenient folder).
  2. Install the Pack:
    • Double-click the file to install the shell books and templates.
    • A message will appear stating, "The <name> Collection is now ready to use on this computer". Click OK.
  3. Restart Bloom:
    • Close and restart Bloom. The new sources will appear below Sources for New Books on the Collections tab.


  • You can change the file extension to .zip if needed. The recipient can change it back to .BloomPack.

Get a Reader Template Bloom Pack from Others

Steps to Install a Reader Template Bloom Pack:

  1. Copy the File:
    • Copy the Bloom Pack file onto your computer (e.g., into the Bloom folder under My Documents or another convenient folder).
  2. Install the Pack:
    • Double-click the file to install the shell books, templates, reader settings, and words.
    • A message will appear stating, "The <name> Collection is now ready to use on this computer". Click OK.
  3. Restart Bloom:
    • Close and restart Bloom.


Share a Bloom Pack

You can share a Bloom Pack file using the following methods:

  • USB flash drive.
  • Shared network folder.
  • Dropbox or other cloud sharing service.
  • WhatsApp, Skype, or similar services (if the file is not too large).
  • Email (if the file is not too large).

Additional Notes

  • Bloom Pack files typically have a specific icon.
  • Bloom Enterprise Status selections are not included in Bloom Packs.
  • Recorded audio files are also not included in Bloom Packs.
  • For more information, watch these videos on Bloom Packs.

Related Topics

  • Basic Tasks Overview
  • Create Shell Books for Others to Use
  • Decodable Reader Tool Overview
  • Leveled Reader Tool Overview
  • Make a Reader Template Bloom Pack
  • Collections Tab Commands
  • Get Reader Template Bloom Pack