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About Talking Books

Talking Books are digitally published books that can play recordings while highlighting sentences.

Recording Audio in Bloom

You can record an audio recording of your book directly in Bloom, or add audio to a book that exists but doesn’t have audio yet.

Record Audio

Add Audio to an Existing Book

Importing Recordings

You can import prerecorded audio recordings into Bloom.

Import Audio

Recording Audio by Text Box

By default, Bloom records audio sentence-by-sentence. You can also record (or import) the audio for an entire text box, and split the recording into sentence-sized chunks.

Record and Split Audio

Installing Aeneas

To split a text-box recording into sentence-sized chunks, you must first install a helper program called Aeneas.

Install aeneas

Fine-Tune Audio Timings

If you need to fine-tune the timing of the split recording, you can do with a timings file and the help of an audio editor.

Edit Aeneas Timings

Format Talking Book Highlights

You can change the color the Bloom uses for highlighting the text being played by a Talking Book.

Highlighted Text Styles in Talking Books

Publish a Talking Book

Bloom gives you many ways to publish your Talking Book.

Publish to BloomPUB

Publish as ePUB

Publish to the Web on Bloom Library