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Download Books from Bloom Library


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Download Books to Use in Bloom Editor

There are thousands of books available for you to use from the Bloom Library. You can download these books directly from the Bloom Library website.


If you have Bloom Editor installed on your computer, books that you download will automatically open in Bloom Editor.

Here are the steps to download a book from Bloom Library:

  1. In the Bloom Editor, click on GET MORE SOURCE BOOKS AT BLOOMLIBRARY.ORG:

    1. You can also go to in a web browser.
  2. Click on the group of books that you want to see. You can view by:

    1. Language
    2. Topic
    3. Special Interests
    4. Book Features
  3. To see more languages or topics, use the left/right arrows to scroll through the groups:

  4. To search for a specific language:

    1. Type the name of the language in the Find Books By Language search box.
    2. Click the name of the language.
  5. If you see a list of languages, click on the language that you want to see books for:

  6. Once you see see individual books, click on the book that you want to view/download:

  7. To use this book in Bloom Editor, click Translate into your language!

  8. Note: You can also download this book in other formats:

    1. BloomPub: For reading in the Bloom Reader app or BloomPub Viewer.
    2. PDF: For reading on a computer, sharing via email, etc, or printing.
    3. EPUB: For reading using an e-Reader.

You may see multiple windows while the book downloads:

  1. If you see this window:

    1. Optional: Click I get it. Don’t show me this again.
    2. Click Download Book.
  2. If you see this window:

    1. Check the box for Always allow…
    2. Click Open Bloom.
  3. If you see this window:

    1. Click OK.
  4. If you see this window, the book is downloading into Bloom Editor:

    1. Wait for the download to finish.
  5. When you see this window, it means that the books has successfully downloaded into Bloom Editor.

    1. Click OK.
  6. Bloom Editor should open, and the book should be available in the Books From section:

  7. To create this book in your own language:

    1. Click on the book thumbnail.

Download BloomPUB to Read in Bloom Reader

There are several ways to download a BloomPUB book from Bloom Library so you can read it in Bloom Reader.