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Shell Books in Bloom


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What is a Shell Book?

A shell book is a template used to create other books. It sets the page layout, text box locations, pictures, and more. Shell books are not language-specific, meaning they can be used to create books in any language. For more information, see this Glossary entry.

Key Features of Shell Books

  • Page Layout: Defines the structure of each page.
  • Text Boxes and Pictures: Specifies where text and images should be placed.
  • Source Text: Contains source text that can be translated into other languages.

Important Note

  • Each Bloom book functions as a small database of texts in various translations.
  • Any local language book can be turned into a shell book for other languages. Shell books and local language books have identical formats.

Create a Shell Book for Others

  1. Open the collection that uses the language(s) you want the shell book to contain.
  2. In the Collections tab, click on the appropriate source template (e.g., Arithmetic, Basic Book, Big Book).
  3. Click MAKE A BOOK USING THIS SOURCE. The new book opens in the Edit tab.
  4. Complete the book:
    • Fill in the appropriate metadata.
    • Add all the intended pages.
    • Add a Translation Instructions page found in the Special section of pages, if needed.
    • Type in all the source text in one or more languages.
    • Configure all the intended styles.
    • Choose all the pictures that you want to appear in the published book.
  5. Share the shell book in one of the following ways:
    • Publish to BloomLibrary.
    • Make a Bloom Pack.
    • Make a Reader Template Bloom Pack.

Make a Book from a Sample Shell

  1. Click the Collections tab.
  2. In the left pane, below Sources For New Books, click the sample shell you will use.
  3. Click MAKE A BOOK USING THIS SOURCE. The book is added and opens in the Edit tab.
  4. Follow the relevant steps based on the type of sample shell (e.g., basic book, arithmetic). If the book has a Translation Instructions page, follow those instructions.

Install a Basic Bloom Pack from Others

  1. Copy the Bloom Pack file onto your computer (e.g., into the Bloom folder under My Documents or another convenient folder).
  2. Double-click the file to install the shell books and templates. A message will appear stating, "The <name> Collection is now ready to use on this computer". Click OK.
  3. Close and restart Bloom. The new sources will appear below Sources for New Books on the Collections tab.

You can change the file extension to .zip if needed. The recipient can change it back to .BloomPack.

Install a Basic Bloom Pack from Others

  1. Copy the Bloom Pack file onto your computer (e.g., into the Bloom folder under My Documents or another convenient folder).
  2. Double-click the file to install the shell books and templates. A message will appear stating, "The <name> Collection is now ready to use on this computer". Click OK.
  3. Close and restart Bloom. The new sources will appear below Sources for New Books on the Collections tab.

You can change the file extension to .zip if needed. The recipient can change it back to .BloomPack.

Related Topics

Here are some suggested related topics:

  • Basic Tasks Overview
  • Collections Tab Tasks
  • Edit Tab Tasks
  • Create Shell Books for Others to Use
  • Publish to BloomLibrary
  • Make a Bloom Pack
  • Make a Reader Template Bloom Pack